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Kenny Luck & Every Man Ministries Unveil Sleeping Giant:
The Process and Solution that Returns Men to Their Rightful Place in Church & Culture

After significant research on the state of men's ministry, LifeWay Church Resources and B&H Publishing Group partner with Kenny Luck/Every Man Ministries to launch multi-year focus on Sleeping Giant, a pastor-aligned and proven process for empowering the men of the church

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NEWS SOURCE: Frontgate Media
June 18, 2012

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - Has the church orphaned its own men to outside culture? Based on their behaviors, the unequivocal answer to that question is a resounding "yes" with few exceptions. Men are the most under-reached audience within our churches, with millions affiliated, but not activated. When men are aligned with culture: the church, women and children suffer. When men are aligned with God: the church, women and children thrive. SLEEPING GIANT is the total solution and process that equips pastors and leaders to empower the men of the church to align with the senior pastor's vision, transforming not only individual churches, but the surrounding culture as well.

Sleeping Giant is the BLUEPRINT for churches to move men from the audience to the army. The book, DVD resources kit, and up to 52 weeks of curriculum are the master work from pastor and practitioner Kenny Luck, Men's Pastor at Saddleback Church and Founder of Every Man Ministries, along with Tom Crick, Director of Small Group Health at Saddleback Church.

Most men's curriculum and programming helps the men, but not the pastor. What distinguishes the Sleeping Giant system is that it is PASTORcentric. As both pastors and the men they lead engage in this process, they are brought together, linked by a Kingdom vision and unified under the mission of the church.

What makes the Sleeping Giant process unique is that it was developed and tested by pastors for use by other pastors and their men. This "Crowd to Core" strategy was developed inside the church, not as an outside, para-church movement. The Sleeping Giant system is an easily adopted, complete, time-tested solution.

Many pastors see the need, but not the way to effectively engage men in their church. Deep down, they know that their men have not been moved toward the mission and vision of the local church on the same scale as their women. As a consequence, Luck reveals that most churched men feel further detached from worship and left only with worldly expressions of manhood to fuel their identity. As Luck puts it, "Because we have not provided a clear vision and pathway that resonates deeply for men, by default we are orphaning them to the culture in a broken quest for validation. Sons of Christ are seeking to establish their value and find meaning by becoming sons of culture. It feels and looks as dysfunctional as it sounds, but the research doesn't lie and most pastors know it."

Developed and refined over ten years both at Saddleback and through various small, medium and large churches in the Purpose Driven Church network, SLEEPING GIANT: No Movement of God without Men of God, is now available through LifeWay Church Resources and B&H Publishing Group as the cornerstone for a multi-year focus by LifeWay on Men's Ministry.

Sleeping Giant was written for pastors and men worldwide. The book is not shy about revealing this "broken bone" in the Body of Christ (the men) and the consequences for the church in letting it remain that way.

With a targeted and precise process, what Luck and Crick call the 'Spiritual Pathway', four critical ingredients are central to wide participation and success with men. The men's pathway must call men in the congregation, as well as the community to: Get In, Get Healthy, Get Strong, and Get Going.

This documented process, already implemented by other churches, is now available worldwide. It is drawing rave reviews from a wide array of top evangelical church and thought leaders who see the timing and relevance of Sleeping Giant as critical to the church's current and future health. Among these, an obvious supporter is the first beneficiary of the development process for Sleeping Giant. Pastor Rick Warren implores church leaders to experience the benefits of a community of men mobilized to support their pastor: "In Sleeping Giant, my men's pastor Kenny Luck gives you a local church blueprint for moving men from the audience to the army in your congregation. Let him help you build a leader-making engine that supports the vision of your church."

Other endorsers agree with and affirm Warren's exhortation:

"Sleeping Giant does what it infers - awakening men to their calling and potential. Every pastor, church, and leader that desires to activate men for God's work should read this book, and so should every man. It's a life-changer and a church-changer." George O. Wood, General Superintendent, The General Council of the Assemblies of God.

"As one of the most respected men's ministry leaders in the country, Luck has taken his years of hard-earned experience to create a rare and effective resource for pastors who struggle to enlist men into God's magnanimous will. In Sleeping Giant, I especially appreciate his emphasis on justice, which is so important to God and to male spirituality. Consume this manifesto. Deploy its power today." Paul Coughlin, Founder, The Protectors: Freedom From Bullying-Courage & Character for Life; Author, No More Christian Nice Guy.

"Sleeping Giant is a Masterpiece! As I read it, my heart leaped inside. I can't wait for pastors and men's ministry leaders to begin using it to awaken the Sleeping Giant in their churches and communities to reach and transform broken culture." Keith Burkhart, Family and Men's Ministry Specialist, Baptist General Convention.

Kenny Luck is available in person or via simulcast to help launch the Sleeping Giant process in any church. Contact Every Man Ministries for more information at 949-609-8780 or

To view Kenny's personal video intro to Sleeping Giant, click here:

An overhaul of the web site will soon offer an extensive content library in support of multi-year development for any church's men's ministry.

SLEEPING GIANT: No Movement of God without Men of God, by Kenny Luck and Tom Crick, is published through B&H Publishing Group and LifeWay Christian Resources. The book and the DVD Leader Training Kit are in stores everywhere or available at

Kenny Luck is a men's expert: speaker, author, founder and president of Every Man Ministries, and the men's pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, where 7,000 men participate in weekly small group gatherings. He is an award-winning author who has authored and coauthored 20 books, including Every Man, God's Man, and the four books in the God's Man series: Risk, Dream, Fight and Soar. He and his wife Chrissy have three children. Follow Kenny at or

Tom is currently the Director of Small Group Health at Saddleback Church and has worked with Kenny for the last ten years developing the Sleeping Giant model. Tom and his wife Jane serve together mentoring married couples.

For the past 10 years, Every Man Ministries has been dedicated to revolutionizing men's ministry, freeing men spiritually, and empowering healthy family formation worldwide. Every Man Ministries helps churches develop, grow, and maintain strong men's communities that support the mission and vision of the local pastor and church.


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